Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Week 14 Role of Line Manager and HR Manager


1. The liner manager will know the individual better then the HR staff as the line manager will have previously managed the individual

2. The manager could be more hands on – for example pay more attention to sickness, lateness and annual leave

3. The manager can ensure staff are trained in the necessary areas as the manager will know more in depth details of what training is provided and can ensure staff are trained in areas they require for their jobs and not just sent on training on every work area

4. The manager will always have a connection with HR practises and procedures and will have an update knowledge of all laws such as health and safety

5. Can ensure all staff also know their rights


1. The staff may want to discuss a conflict they may have about the line manager but may feel they cannot do so as he or she also work with HR – This then many cause an unease atmosphere between staff and managers

2. Staff may find the management role and HR role difficult to distinguish between and the organisation culture can be effected if staff are uneasy

3. Line managers should manage their workforce and it can pressure the line managers if they are also involved in HR, therefore they can get stressed and this influence can be sent down to staff and work standards can get effected.

What skills do you think that line managers need to develop in order to effectively manage people and why? How are your line managers developed at work?

· Excellent communication skills – this is essential as managers need ensure all tasks, work is completed on time and to the companies standard. Line managers are responsible for their group of staff and it is their responsibility to ensure all staff in their group are working to the right standard.

· Time management skills – they have to ensure all staff meet deadlines so the final product is ready on time.

· Alert and in control - Line managers need to be able to identify when or if staff need extra training in certain areas and if so they need to ensure the staff receives this support. Therefore line managers need to know their employees in depth in order to ensure they are getting the best use of their skills. Help and support employees to take more responisblity for how they do their job, by coaching and guiding them wherever possible

· build a good working relationship with their staff. They need to lead, listen, ask, communicate, be fair, respond to suggestions and deal with problems.


In the past, HR managers were more liked to be viewed as the systematizing, policing arm of executive management. Their role was more closely aligned with personnel and administration functions that were viewed by the organization as paperwork.

New HR Role

The role of the HR manager must parallel the needs of his or her changing organization. Successful organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient, quick to change direction, and customer-centered.

The key functions of a human resources manager is

Leading the company in developing, implementing, and auditing personnel policies and procedures. Ensure the company meets its compliance requirements, a human resources manager must have a solid understanding of applicable local, national, and international employment and labour laws. Human resources managers are also tasked with ensuring that the company’s employees receive adequate training on the company’s policies and procedures.

Overseeing the process of hiring employees is another important aspect of a human resources manager’s job. He or she may be responsible for posting and approving advertisements to recruit new employees, screening resumes and applications, setting up and conducting initial interviews, and conducting background and reference checks. Additionally, the human resources manager often serves as an advisor to department managers to help them with making solid hiring decisions.

HR managers also handle issues involving complaints about an employee. In the event that a disciplinary hearing is required, the human resources manager may serve as a chair person for the proceedings. The manager is also often responsible for firing employees who are not meeting the company’s standards.

A human resources manager must ensure the health, safety, and well-being of company employees, so he or she must also investigate complaints made by employees. This duty can range in scope and may include leading investigations if, for example, an employee is alleging he or she was discriminated against or harassed. A human resources specialist may also lead mediation sessions if there are conflicts between employees.

Other tasks may be delegated to another member of the human resources staff, especially at larger companies. These tasks may include conducting new employee orientation and training, and maintaining ongoing training and development programs. An HR job may involve administrative functions such as maintaining employee files, conducting performance appraisals, monitoring timekeeping systems, and providing references for former employees. The department also sometimes deals with overseeing employee benefit issues, and administering compensation and salaries.

Human resources managers have a great deal of responsibility within their companies success.
(ACCESSED FROM WISE GEEK 2003 - 2010, conjecture corporation)

I believe my skills are not suited to be a line manager the main reason for this is I think I am lay back I tend to take things easy. I use a relaxed approach to most of the things I do and as a manager you have to be very hands on and ensure not only that you are always on the ball but ensure your staff are also alert and constantly meeting goals, aims and objectives.

I don’t think my character is strong enough to taken on such a responsibility and i don’t think i would enjoy being put in a position where I would have to always dedicate and keep an eye on all staff at all times.

To be a HR Manager you need to know the company inside out and have some sort of understanding of its competitors believe this role can only be done by certain people and a management role such as this is not everyone’s taste or style of working.

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