Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Week 24 Reward


I use to work for Matalan, which is a retail outlet. They had reward systems, which were only given at peak times. For example at Christmas reward was put in place. Employees that made the most sales on a weekly basis would get a present at the end of the week. I believe this was very unfair as not every employee worked the same amount of hours, for example I worked only 6 hours a week on a Saturday and other staff members worked 37 hours a week. Therefore they would obviously make more sales then me or anyone else that only work part time.
The reward system did not differ for each groups it was the same system throughout the organisation and for each and every employee.

Reward for chief executive

I don’t think the chief executive should receive large bonuses if the organisation is under performing.
This is unfair to other employees, as they will not receive bonuses
It de-motivates employees
The money spent on the bonuses could be better used in helping the organisation to improve
The chief executive should set an example that bonuses are only received for good results

Rewarding a teacher at Primary School

Financial reward:

Pay rise – this could be given when the results of students have considerably increased within a period of time. This would motivate me to continue to work hard as my hard work will not only benefit the students but myself, and it will be recognised by both staff and parents
Gift – a teacher of the month gift/ reward
Give them a day trip ticket to an attraction

Non-financial reward:

Ask the class of students to say thank you – this would be very rewarding for me as this is directly from the student themselves
Allow the parent to meet the teacher to thank the staff
Have a best teacher of the month logo
Organise a class assembly for the teacher

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